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What is Early Orthodontic Treatment? Is it Beneficial?

Early orthodontic treatment incorporates numerous benefits and excellent results. There are countable reasons why one should go for early orthodontics. Additionally, it’s the best way to identify a child’s mouth problems, and early treatment may save a child from lifelong dangerous dental problems. 

It’s one of the best solutions to various childhood dental problems because other issues can be cured with the early orthodontic procedure. This article discusses orthodontic treatment in detail and how it is beneficial. Read on and uncover the ways why it is advantageous. 

Early Orthodontic Treatment: Definition

The treatment is designed to assist young children who still own some or all their primary teeth. The treatment is to align the permanent teeth and jaw position and prevent improper growth. There are numerous options or ways available for early orthodontic treatment; every way depends on the child’s specific issue and oral health. Commonly the three types of treatment are used, including

  • Partial braces
  • Wearing a palatal expander
  • Retainer

Similarly, the treatment can be performed in many forms; your orthodontist recommends a removable or fixed appliance. The device helps move the teeth, changes the jaw position, and is used for other desirable changes. Thus, the main goal is to address the jaw’s skeletal issues, and alignment before or after permanent teeth emerge.

When is Early Orthodontic Treatment Necessary?

Mostly, the parents understand the value of orthodontic treatment and consider it seriously so that their children may not face alignment issues while emerging permanent teeth. However, early orthodontic treatment is crucial that most parents need to understand. Check out the signs below indicating that a child needs early orthodontic treatment. They are:

  • A child starts losing permanent teeth before age five or after reaching thirteen.
  • Find it difficult while biting or chewing.
  • A habit of sucking a finger or thumb after age five.
  • Suffering from a speech impediment.
  • Breaths or snores through the mouth.
  • His teeth are not coming in proper alignment.
  • Protruding bottom or front teeth.

Similarly, parents need to look forward to early treatment if any child is suffering from the problems mentioned above. In addition, fixing these issues as early as possible would save time and money.

Some Benefits of Early Orthodontic Treatment

Numerous benefits are there that most user observes after receiving early orthodontic treatment. Some of the benefits include

Early Identification of Other Dental Problems

Parents may come to know about other dental conditions in their child’s mouth. During treatment, the dentist would investigate other dental problems and share details. So in case of any other condition, early treatment can be done, and one may save his child from severe issues for long years. Also, by aligning the jawline and teeth, there is a vast chance your child may not face other teeth’ skeletal issues in the future.

Guides Adult Teeth

When the child’s permanent teeth start emerging, the braces will aid in guiding the teeth into a desirable position so that the child may only end up with an aligned jaw and permanent teeth. Similarly, an aligned jaw and teeth are keys to good oral health and minimizing hassles, resulting in maintaining a beautiful smile.

Corrects Thumb Sucking or Tongue Thrusting Habits

Habits like thumb sucking and tongue thrusting occur when a child faces issues with their teeth. These habits are not beneficial for developing jaw growth patterns and can cause other similar problems in the future. Similarly, early orthodontic treatment corrects these habits and fixes the issues that force your child to do tongue thrusting and thumb sucking.

Reduces Speech Difficulties

Children who face difficulties while speaking may be because of an unaligned jaw or teeth. These speech difficulties include slurring, lisping, mispronouncing T and S, and others. With effective and early orthodontic treatment, the child can get rid of speech difficulties and speak effortlessly.


Hence there are numerous benefits of getting early orthodontic treatment. Also, it assists your child in maintaining good oral health ideally. 

Those who always come up with whether their child needs an early orthodontic treatment or not should reach out to their dentist and take advice. Moreover, it’s better to let the professionals decide when to get treatment, as the orthodontics treatment time is dependent on the child’s oral health [1]. 

To book an appointment, visit Edmonton West Dental Clinic, emergency dentist Granville West Edmonton, and get started.


Early Orthodontic Treatment
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