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How Long Do Veneers Last?

Porcelain veneers are tooth-coloured “shells” that cover the front of a tooth and conceal cosmetic imperfections, giving the impression of brighter, straighter teeth. This is a major investment for many people, and they want assurance that their veneers will look beautiful and work for many years. When it comes to dental veneers, your dentist will most likely present you with two options: composite veneers or porcelain veneers. Both composite and porcelain laminate veneers have advantages and disadvantages to consider. So, how long do veneers last and what factors influence their effectiveness?

How long do veneers last?

The longevity of dental veneers is determined by whether they are porcelain or composite and how well they are cared for. Porcelain laminate veneers have a 10- to 12-year lifespan. Composite resin veneers should be replaced sooner rather than later, as they only last 4 to 8 years.

Are veneers the best option?

People who want to hide minor dental flaws and smile confidently should consider dental veneers. The main goal is to improve the appearance of teeth cosmetically. Dental veneers are virtually undetectable since they appear and feel like natural teeth. People with healthy gums and teeth should choose this option. Veneers are popular for the following reasons:

  • Teeth that are broken, chipped, or fractured
  • Teeth that are discoloured or stained
  • Discrepancies between teeth
  • Visible fillings
  • Crooked teeth, strangely formed, or